Thursday, April 30, 2009


Adsense will pay you for publishing their ads on your website or blog.

==> When they pay us..?

If you have at lease of a $100 in your adsense account then they will pay you.

==>How they pay us..?

Google pay us by banking check,that are made the every monthly basis.

==>In one month I have an amount less than $100 will I lost it in next month…?

No never if you have a low amount less than $100, then it will carry over to the next month earning

==>Iam not 18 years old may I receive cheques..?

No google only allows the people who is at lease 18 aged

Types of adsense

Adsense for feeds

Publishers can publish their ads by feed or rss.

Adsense for search

Adsense allows publisher to put a google custom search box to the site. When some body searched any thing using that search box. Google will result some topics on that site and some ads related to that search. Then normally publisher get paid for clicks on it.

Adsense for Mobile content
Adsense for mobile content allows publishers to put relavent ads on their mobile website and get good earning. but a mobile website in needed.

Adsense for Domains

Adsense for domains allows to publish the advertisements on their domains,but it is not developed.

How to create a website or blog for adsense publishing

You can create a paid website by the internet web hosting and designing companies. That is your website address would be ‘’ and you can access your site by your hosting company. It would have some money for it. Now it may cost about $10 or more, and may low with respect to companies

Hosting companies.

and lot more….

But you can register a blog for free of cost, most of us choose that way for adsense publishing.
that are

Use any of thease ways and register in that, after making a content rich website/blog you can apply for adsense by simply going to
Your website must have some qualities for applying the adsense. Very good traffic,content rich,Very good position in search results and more…See adsense terms & conditions.

How AdSense works

Google adsense works in a simple javascript code

==>A wesite or blog owner add the javascript code of adsense in to their site.

==>For each time someone visited the site, the javascript code creates an IFrame code.

==>Google knows the key words of all content in our site, so they will show ads about that keywords.

==>When a visitor clicked or refreshed those ads, the site owner will get a good amount and that will paid by the advertiser.

==>Like thease way when you get at least $100 in your account, then google will pay you by a bank chek.

AdSense check is here..

What is adsense

Adsense is an application for internet advertisers , and is owned by google.

If you have a website or blog you can enroll the program and start showing google ads on your site,

You will paid in the basis of how many times your visitors clicked on the ads and how many page imbressions they made.

Google shows ads in text , image most recently they added video too. Now adsense became the most popular way for advertising in internet.

Adsense will shows the ads that are related to the content of your website/blog. It will be in a javascript code , we just want to copy that in to our website.

Really the technology of adsense is not google’s, it was invented by Wordnet and also some professors and students from Brown university. After some years google owned this and now running world’s most biggest advertising platform.